Recording Family History

Your kids can become historians during this Covid-19 lockdown! They can record your family's history.

For this activity, they will need something to take down notes with: a pen and notebook, a mobile phone, a tablet, a laptop, or any other tools they may prefer. And plenty of free time.

The first step is to make a family chart with the names of their parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and other relatives, as far back as they can.

If they can fill in birth and death dates, or at least the years in which these events took place, that would be better.

The next step is for your kids to interview you and any other relatives they can interview (of course, while maintaining physical distancing) and take down notes. They can ask the following:

  • Where and when were their parents (or grandparents) born
  • How did their parents (or grandparents) meet each other
  • What were their parents' (or grandparents') jobs
  • What things did their parents (or grandparents) do particularly well
  • What was the world like when their parents (or grandparents) were young
  • What historical events happened when their parents (or grandparents) were young
  • Any interesting stories from the younger days of your parents (or grandparents)

The same questions can be asked of uncles, aunts, and other relatives.

If your kids want to, they can be creative in arranging their notes: they can add artwork, for example. But even if they just take down notes, those notes will  be valuable heirlooms for generations to come.


  1. Its also a good way for them to interact with older people as well as learn about other periods in the recent or long ago past


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