Documenting Indoor Wildlife

Lizards, rats, ants, cockroaches, spiders, moths...we adults find them disgusting but some children find them fascinating.  Scientists find them fascinating too.  In fact, there is a scientific research project, Never Home Alone, that solicits observations of indoor wildlife from citizen scientists - meaning, members of the general public like you and your children who may love observing nature.  The Never Home Alone project is part of a greater study of the state of the biodiversity of the planet. Some new species have even been discovered through the project.

To participate, just create an account at the project's website and submit your observations -- including pictures, if any.  This app can help identify the species, and information on how to obscure your location for privacy purposes can be found here.

As always, practice common sense when dealing with nature. Refrain from touching wild animals, for example.

The diversity in nature is fascinating, and children are naturally curious about the world around them. Children make good scientists, and having them participate in citizen science activities is a good way to light the science spark in them.


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