Learning How to Code

Computer coding is a very valuable skill. Knowledge of computer ptogramming, website development, game development, data analysis, and other  related activities makes one desirable in the job market.  As society becomes more and more dependent on computers especially as physical distancing has forced us to transfer our activities online, people who know computer coding will become even more and more in demand.  Thus, encouraging your children to learn computer coding during these days of lockdown is a good idea.

You and your children may learn coding for free at www.codeacademy.com .
For reasonable fees, you may also enroll in online coding classes at The Coding School.  The Coding School offers classes to children as young as six years old.  Tech requirements for the courses are indicated on the website.

By learning computer coding during the extra free time provided by these days of lockdown, your children can turn lemons into lemonade by taking advantage of the idle time to acquire a marketable skill.


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