Paper Weaving

Paper weaving is easy to learn and to do.  For very young children, it is a good way to introduce the concepts of "over" and "under".   The only materials needed are paper, scissors, and glue or paste or adhesive tape.  Your designs can be as easy or as complicated as you want; you can experiment with different color combinations.  In any case, the result will look pretty just the same.

Some instructions to get started are here and here.

You can post the weaving on the wall as a work of art. You can also use paper weaving to make cards, bookmarks, and other similar items.

Older children who want a bit of a challenge might even want to try weaving paper baskets.  Here are instructions to make two kinds of baskets: one out of colored construction paper, another out of rolled strips of newspaper.

Here are more ideas of things you can do with paper weaving.  There are countless others in the Internet.


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